Choosing the Right Scan Mode: EinScan-Pro Handheld 3D Scanner
The EinScan-Pro is equipped with four scan modes: Handheld Rapid Scan, Handheld HD (High Definition) Scan, Automatic Scan and Free Scan. Each scan mode is best suited for a particular application, so how does one choose the best mode?
The answer is to base your decision on two things:
- The object’s size and volume.
- Your required resolution and accuracy of the scan data.
Technically, any of the four modes will work—just with varying degrees of success. Choosing the correct mode will produce the best results in terms of efficiency, data resolution, accuracy, etc.

Handheld Rapid Scan
Scan accuracy: 0.3mm
Scan speed: 10 frames/s
Point distance: 0.5mm-2mm
Part size range: 0.15-4m
Align mode: Feature align, Reference point align (Optional upgrade feature)
The most prominent determinant of whether to use the Handheld Rapid Scan mode is speed.
When to use:
When scanning large objects with rich features that don’t require high precision or accuracy.
The EinScan-Pro Handheld Rapid Scan uses speckle projection and can support both marker point and feature alignment.
Large-scale sculptures, automotive bumpers, human forms, organic shapes, furniture, etc.
The handheld rapid scan mode can capture an entire human body quickly and expeditiously (except for hair).
During the scanning process, it’s important that a) the model remains motionless, b) we keep the optimal scanning distance and c) we scan with a smooth, steady and continuous motion. It takes about 20 minutes to scan an entire human body.
Handheld HD Scan
Scan accuracy: 0.1mm
Scan speed: 15 frames/s
Point distance: 0.2mm-2mm
Part size range: 0.03-4m
Align mode: Reference point align
When to use:
When choosing between the two handheld modes, we recommend selecting the High Definition mode if the object is richly detailed and difficult to move. Although the HD Scan mode requires the use of Markers, it offers convenience with highly detailed, precise results.
The handheld HD scan mode utilizes white light scanning which is highly suitable for large sculptures, automotive parts, castings and so on.
The richly detailed Vunes sculpture is large (55cm high) and difficult to move. To scan this object our best choice was the Handheld HD scan mode.
Prior to scanning, we: a) placed markers no more than 50mm apart across the entire surface of our object; b) adjusted the brightness; c) ensured optimal distance from the scanner to the object’s surface (refer to the display bar on the left window of the EinScan-Pro software. The proper distance for scanning is always achieved when the display bar is green.)
Automatic Scan
Scan accuracy: 0.05mm (single scan)
Scan speed: Single scan: <2s
Point distance: 0.16mm
Part size range: (recommended): 0.03-0.15m
Align mode: Turntable align
The main criteria for selecting Automatic Scan Mode is the object’s size.
When to use:
Automatic Scan mode is suggested when the object is less than 20cm.
This mode can be used for industrial components, ornaments, small artistic pieces, etc. The Automatic Fix Scan-Turntable accuracy is 0.05mm for a single pass.
Automatic Scan is the best choice for the small (50x50x150mm) peanut model (shown right), completing the scan and creating a high-quality model in about 3 minutes with rich and vibrant details on the surface of the model.
Fix Scan-Free Mode
Scan accuracy: 0.05mm (single scan)
Scan speed: Single scan: <2s
Point distance: 0.16mm
Part size range: (recommended): 0.03-4m
Align mode: Reference point, feature, turntable align
In the Fix Scan-Free mode, there is more flexibility than with the Automatic Fix Scan-Turntable because it’s possible to scan larger objects up to 4 meters in size.
When to use:
Recommended for large, complicated workpieces and richly detailed sculptures (accuracy 0.05mm). Preferably, objects are lightweight and easy to move during the scan process. If the object has enough details, the EinScan-Pro will automatically align multiple scan meshes to form a perfect 3D model. Experienced users gain their best results by manually controlling the number of scan passes.
If the object is cumbersome, heavy or difficult to move, then choose either the Handheld Rapid Scan or the Handheld HD (High Definition) Scan.
This elderly man statue model (shown right) is 240mm in height and exhibits a richly detailed surface, making it perfect for the Fix Scan-Free mode. During the scanning process, the object is placed in different orientations to ensure that no details are missed. Each new scanning pass must overlap the previous pass by at least a third to ensure coverage and mesh alignment. When all the multiple scanning passes are complete, the EinScan-Pro automatically aligns and merges the separate meshes together with high precision.