Time Lapse Thursday: JigSawCube

Welcome to our new weekly video series – Time Lapse Thursday!

For our first video we thought we’d start out with something quick and fun to print. we found a Jigsaw Cube design created by TheSeend, and we realized it was a great place to start. The set up was quite easy, and It only took a few hours to print. I recommend this print for anyone that might be new to 3D printing, it’s a great file to try different printing techniques. Check out the video here: Time Lapse Thursday – JigSawCube

Print Details

  • Z Layer Resolution: 0.15mm
  • Fill: Big Hole
  • Material: ABS
  • Quality: Fast
  • No Raft
  • Final Print Size: 81 x 81 x 81mm (3.2 inches)

Until next week. Happy Printing!